Item 154 out of 267
Lot # 154 - Silver Ten Dollars Proof Coin of Elizabeth II of Cook Islands.
Silver Ten Dollars Proof Coin of Elizabeth II of Cook Islands.
Silver Ten Dollars Proof Coin of Elizabeth II of Cook Islands. Silver Ten Dollars Proof Coin of Elizabeth II of Cook Islands.
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  •   e-Auction # 19
  •  Bids: 0
  •  Views:1244
Start Price 12000 Estimated Price 12000-15000
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Quick Description
DenominationDollars 10MetalSilver
Year (AD)2011
Full Description:

Cook Islands, Elizabeth II, Silver 10 Dollar Proof Coin, A Stunning new series of silver coin minted for the cook islands pays tribute to famous cathedrals throughout the world, Beautifully designed, featuring stained glass windows the series bears the title " The Windows of Heaven", Obv: coin represents an effigy of elizabeth II as well as the inscription of the queen's name, there is a full color window insert next to the potrait, also contains the legends indicating the face value of the coin and the name of the issuing country, Rev: features the image of the seville cathedral considered the biggest gothic cathedral in the world and also the 3rd biggest one in terms of size, there is also a plan of the outlay of the cathedral next to the main image, universe of stone, wrought iron work and stained glass windows, one of them reflected in a full-color window, the upper part of this cook islands coin contains the legend denoting the name of the series, below the images, there are the inscriptions of the name of the temple and the issuing year, 50g, 50mm, UNC.


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